In-country Partners

Acorn International has established, maintains, and continually adds to a global network of high quality, in-country ESG consulting organizations. Partnerships have been established or are in the process of being established in:

Country                                                             Experience

Algeria Regulatory and reputational risk review, EIA for exploration activities, management system assessment
Angola ESHIA for four exploration programs, risk assessment, due diligence assessment, ESIA screening
Cameroon Non-technical risk/new country entry screening
Chad Review of the Chad-Cameroon pipeline project EIA for World Bank
Cote d’Ivoire ESIAs for 15 E&P programs, community engagement/CLOs, capacity building/IFC PS training, social investment program
Egypt EIA for onshore seismic and drilling program
Equatorial Guinea ESIAs for three exploration programs, environmental regulatory register, above-ground risk assessment
Ethiopia ESIA screening for new country entry
Gabon ESIA screening for offshore production, new country entry environmental and social risk assessment
Ghana Legislative benchmarking and needs assessment for Ghanaian regulators, new country entry environmental and social risk assessment, IFC expert review, independent study of marine environmental trends
Guinea New country entry environmental and social risk assessment
Kenya Multiple ESIAs, social baseline assessment and stakeholder / community engagement programs
Liberia Multiple ESIAs, environmental baseline sampling programs, waste management plan, training for EPA and World Bank
Libya EIA scoping, oil spill response program, and worked in ports
Malawi Capacity building for local partner in providing consulting services to extractive industries and development programs
Mauritania ESIA/permitting, Non-technical risk assessment , CSR assessment and strategy, Local content / capacity development strategy
Morocco Social baseline study, SIA and stakeholder engagement planning for oil exploration program, and port development.
Mozambique Social investment strategy implementation, above-ground risk assessment
Namibia New country entry environmental and social risk assessment
Nigeria Extensive experience in EIA (8), community engagement, site assessments, Resettlement Plan for solar farm development
Republic of Congo ESHIA facilitation for an offshore development program, new country entry environmental and social risk assessment
Senegal Regulatory register for oil and gas exploration and development, government capacity building, training
Sierra Leone New country entry environmental and social risk assessment
South Africa Human rights impact assessment, environmental and social risk assessment
Tanzania Work proposed with in-country partner for offshore E&P Strategic EIA
Tunisia Initial ESIA for offshore exploration, stakeholder engagement and social investment planning
Uganda Social risk/community engagement planning support, capacity building for local partner
Argentina EIA and environmental sampling program for offshore drilling and aviation terminals, ESIA management for pipeline, due diligence
Bahamas Feasibility study for exploration activities in a sensitive marine environment, ESIA, engagement, gov/t capacity building
Barbados ESIA screening for offshore oil and gas production, supplementary ESIA and risk assessment for large resort, ESA for road upgrade
Bolivia Four EIA for onshore seismic survey, two EIA for onshore exploration drilling, EIA review for pipeline development
Brazil EIA for >12 E&P programs, benchmarking of best practices in oil and gas E&P in sensitive areas, ESHIA training, management system development, ESIA screening, environmental and social risk assessment, slave labor assessment
Canada Due diligence studies of petrochemical facilities, capacity building for local communities, SD strategy for mine development
Chile Design of baseline study for oil field development, ESIA management for trans-Andean pipeline
Colombia (AI Branch) ESIA and Indigenous prior consultation programs for onshore seismic survey, social investment program design and coordination, ESIAs for five offshore exploration programs, expert witness testimony re: impacts, non-technical risk screening
Dominican Republic Environmental and social due diligence for industrial assets transfer
Ecuador EIA and SIA for exploration and pipeline development programs
El Salvador Environmental due diligence studies
French Guiana Social baseline study, non-technical risk study, local skills and capacity building assessment
Guatemala Environmental due diligence studies, onshore exploration ESIA screening
Guyana ESIA, environmental/non-technical risk screening study, regulatory register
Haiti Environmental and social due diligence study for acquisition of industrial assets
Honduras ES due diligence study and ESHIA management capacity building for investors in renewable energy development
Jamaica ESIA Screening, in-country partner
Mexico Risk and due diligence assessments for investors, environmental/social performance capacity building and management advice to PEMEX, $19M organizational change program for PEMEX, baseline studies and non-technical risk assessments of oil fields
Nicaragua ESIA, stakeholder engagement plan, environmental and social risk assessment, regulatory register for oil and gas E&P
Panama Independent review of SIA/stakeholder program for Panama Canal expansion for the World Bank
Paraguay Rapid environmental assessment for port development
Peru Onshore production ESIA screening, due diligence assessment, government capacity building program/FPIC process assessment
Suriname ESIA for mining industry development, community investment needs assessment and strategy
Trinidad and Tobago ESIA and due diligence for LNG plant and pipeline, four EIA for offshore seismic surveys, EIA for offshore drilling and production program, environmental and social due diligence studies, IHAZID facilitation for offshore development
Uruguay New country entry environmental and social risk assessment
Venezuela Baseline studies, socioeconomic survey and ESIA, environmental and social risk assessments for LNG, pipeline, and gas field, due diligence studies, social impact and reputation assessment, management system gap assessment
Australia EIA support, E&P environmental management best practices study, environmental and social risk assessment
Bangladesh Environmental, health and social risk assessment of oil field operations, IFC ESIA and critical habitat assessment for LNG terminal
China ESIA, regulatory roadmap and risk screening for petrochemical plant development, offshore exploration ESIA screening
India Environmental baseline study, ESIA screening and management system development
Indonesia ESIA screening, stakeholder engagement planning advice
Korea Environmental due diligence for major petrochemical complex
Malaysia Social baseline study, stakeholder engagement plan, human rights screening, ESHIA training/mgt system development
Pakistan Rapid environmental assessment, partner in place
Papua New Guinea Development of three-way partnership with local consultancy and NGO for services and training
Philippines ESIAs, social baseline study and stakeholder engagement, including indigenous consultation/tenure management plan
Sri Lanka Community risk assessment and stakeholder engagement strategy for mining development
Thailand ESHIA and environmental and social risk assessment, ESHIA training, ESIA/reg roadmap/risk screening for refinery expansion
Vietnam Offshore exploration ESIA screening, emergency response planning, stakeholder engagement plan
Azerbaijan Onshore and offshore baseline studies, EMS development
Kazakhstan ESHIA, risk assessment, port development environmental and financing feasibility study
Russian Federation Due diligence, training, offshore baseline study
Ukraine Limited experience
Cyprus Regulatory register for oil and gas exploration and development
France Reputation risk management program for telecom and logistics industry
Greece In-country work experience (shipping) and studies
Netherlands Environmental, health and social risk assessments for North Sea production and onshore pipeline
Norway Rapid environmental and regulatory assessment
Spain Environmental audit of pharmaceutical facility
UK ES/Health risk assessments for North Sea production
Bahrain Rapid assessment, business strategy support
Iraq ESIA screening, environmental and social risk assessment, IFC-focused expert review of ESHIA for oil field redevelopment
Israel ESIA for regional offshore exploration drilling program, new country entry environmental and social risk assessment
Kuwait HSE management system standards development and training, environmental and social risk assessment
Saudi Arabia Management system development and training for production in the largest offshore oil field in the world

Acorn International invites you to review the experience and partnerships by country.

Acorn International is interested in establishing partnerships with highly qualified organizations in new countries, please contact us if interested.

    International industries and investors are facing important, emerging trends that are redefining their needs for consulting services in support of overseas development programs.
    Around the world, international industries and investors face stakeholder pressure to increase investment in host country work forces while continually improving the quality of environmental, health, safety and social (ESG) performance.