Grace RussellConsultant


Grace is a biologist and environmental consultant with specialization in marine ecology, environmental science, and environmental policy and management.  Her experience at Acorn International includes developing environmental and social baseline studies, risk assessments, and training programs for international oil and gas and renewable energy projects.  Key projects include an environmental and socioeconomic risk screening for oil and gas exploration offshore Brasil, social impact assessments and social baseline studies for oil and gas operations in the US, and consolidation of international oil and gas company environmental and social standards and training materials to develop a new training program for incoming practitioners.

Grace has ecological field research experience in terrestrial, aquatic, coastal, and nearshore ecosystems in Alaska, Minnesota, Costa Rica, Scotland, and the Maldives. She holds a MSc in Ecosystem-based Management of Marine Systems from the University of St. Andrews and a BA in Biology from Carleton College.


Consulting Experience

Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment

Key projects include:

  • Independent Environmental and Social Consultant (providing environmental risk expertise) for an onshore pipeline construction project (North America)
  • Development of a corporate framework designed to support assessment and management of biodiversity risks and impacts by an oil and gas company operating worldwide
  • Environmental Due Diligence Assessment to support a planned acquisition of an unconventional gas field in Texas
  • Marine Environmental Risk Assessment for offshore/onshore oil and gas development in Mozambique
  • Environmental, socioeconomic, and regulatory risk screening profiles for oil and gas exploration and development activities offshore (Egypt, Brasil, and Namibia)
  • Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health Impact Assessments (ESHIAs) (including Oil Spill Response Plan and Waste Management Plan) for offshore exploration and production activities in Mozambique and the Bahamas
  • Environmental risk assessment for offshore oil production in Mexico


Social and Regulatory Impact and Risk Assessment

Key projects include:

  • Community Risk Profile and stakeholder engagement planning for a solar energy installation (United States)
  • Benchmarking of oil and gas company Social Performance practices and initiatives against those of peer companies
  • Social Baseline Study for offshore oil and gas exploration and development in the US Gulf of Mexico
  • Stakeholder engagement, communications, and marketing planning to support offshore wind development (United States)
  • Social Impact Assessment for ongoing unconventional operations in the Permian Basin (United States)
  • Social Impact Assessment for a planned petrochemical facility expansion on the US Gulf Coast
  • Community Baseline Assessment for a planned food packaging plant in the United States
  • Regulatory roadmap and obligations table for offshore/onshore oil and gas exploration and development activities in Brasil
  • Above-ground social due diligence study of four Caribbean nations
  • Human Rights Impact Assessment for US offshore oil and gas activities in the Gulf of Mexico


Environmental Management Training Curriculum Development

Grace was lead author of an environmental management training curriculum for an international oil and gas company. This project involved review and consolidation of existing training materials in addition to development of new content on oil and gas operations, their potential impacts on major ecosystems, and mitigation and monitoring techniques appropriate for each ecosystem. Grace also developed interactive learning exercises and support materials to enhance this training.

Grace also supported development of training materials summarizing IFC Performance Standards and related requirements designed to build the skills and experience of industry social and environmental practitioners.


Prior Experience

Academic Research

Grace has conducted several projects related to environmental interactions with oil and gas infrastructure in North America and Europe. These include evaluation of the impacts of chemical contaminants on amphibians in Alaskan wetlands, investigation of mechanisms for long term social and environmental impacts of an oil spill on commercial fisheries, and development of a novel technique for measuring biofouling on offshore subsea structures to optimize decommissioning operations.

Scientific and Policy Engagement:

Grace participated in a workshop to summarize expert opinions of the UK marine science community on multiple decommissioning alternatives for offshore oil and gas infrastructure in the North Sea.  She has also presented her MSc. research to international marine science and policy experts at the ICES Annual Science Conference (2017).

Apple, Inc –Genius, Genius Admin, Family Room Specialist, Specialist

Experience in project management, technical support, customer experience management, and sales.  Additional experience training/mentoring new employees, conducting one-on-one customer training sessions, and identifying opportunities for small businesses to integrate technology solutions into their operations to improve device management and information security.



University of St. Andrews – MSc. Ecosystem-based Management of Marine Systems, with Distinction, 2017

Carleton College – B.A. Biology, cum laude, 2011

Additional courses at the Scottish Association for Marine Science, Duke University, and Coe College



Spanish (Proficient)